- If you are just beginning sport stacking, start on the floor with your cups placed directly in front of you, check out our learn to stack page for a full tutorial.
- Always keep stacks close together to create a solid base for your pyramid. In fact, let your cups touch in your pyramid.
- Use a light touch, don’t be heavy-handed. Lift with a light grip. Try not to squeeze the cup; let gravity do the work.
- If you lead with your right hand (if it feels best to use your right hand first) that hand should pick up the top cup.
- Alternate your lead hand. Practice leading with one hand and then the other. Switch to increase ambidexterity.
- When handling the cups, your hands should be positioned on the sides of the cups, never over the tops of the cups.
- Separate the cups from one another using your fingers, resting the last (or bottom) cup on your pinky finger.
- Stack in a circle – that means, use a circular motion with your hands and arms instead of back and forth.
- Never pass a cup from one hand to another. Use both hands at the same time